How to know if it’s time for a brand or web refresh?

Your business is growing, but your brand or website hasn’t got the memo. 

A re-brand for the sake of one is not going to help you (e.g just feeling bored with your brand without really knowing why) and will only end up being an expensive use of your time and money!

Instead, here are the 5 signs to know if you need a brand or website refresh :

01/ You’re too embarrassed to give out your website or business card…

If you’re holding back from showing clients your website or even your Instagram page, it’s a good sign you need an update.

02/ You’re not working with your ideal clients or want to connect with a different demographic…

The look & feel of a brand will attract a certain type of audience (and also put off others) so make sure your brand will reach the right people for your business. 

03/ Your vision has changed and the brand no longer feels aligned with who you are or where you’re headed…

Again your brand should be designed to reach the right customer so if your business direction has changed, it will need either a little or a lot of adjusting.

04/ Your branding is getting lost in the crowd and isn’t showing off your unique point of difference…

When you feel like you’re looking like every other brand out there in your industry, it’s time to get branding that is super clear on what makes you different.

And lastly…

05/ You’re struggling to raise your prices…

You may need to level up your brand to look more high end. A rebrand can be an effective way to redefine your value and offerings and make sure that you’re reaching the right kind of audience who is ready to invest in your solutions.

Did you nod your head to one or more of these? 

I take on a limited number of 3 client projects per month so if you’d like to book a spot in the calendar, you can reach out here

P.S Am I available for a Zoom call? YES. Do I offer tailored packages? YES. Will the outcome make you do a happy dance? ALMOST DEFINITELY.


How to bring your branding online with social media


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