Branding Sophie Douglas Branding Sophie Douglas

How to bring your branding online with social media

You have the brand files from your designer or you have put together your DIY logo in Canva. But now what? How do you take all that aesthetic goodness and actually turn it into a cohesive online presence?

One that doesn’t have you second-guessing every post you make, or getting distracted by everyone else’s content. Which unfortunately can mean this just becomes a sporadic, half-hearted attempt to tick off “posted on socials”. There is a better way!

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Branding Sophie Douglas Branding Sophie Douglas

How to know if it’s time for a brand or web refresh?

Your business is growing, but your brand or website hasn’t got the memo.

A re-brand for the sake of one is not going to help you (e.g just feeling bored with your brand without really knowing why) and will only end up being an expensive use of your time and money!

Instead, here are the 5 signs to know if you need a brand or website refresh :

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Business Sophie Douglas Business Sophie Douglas

My version of success these days (hint: it’s not just a revenue goal)

You’ve probably seen it everywhere online - headlines like “how to hit those $20k months”, “how to become a six figure business owner”. It’s so easy to be drawn into those numbers and aim for an arbitrary number without realising why that’s become your definition of success.

Of course, building a profitable business is important. We’re not here to build expensive hobbies. But when I really stop and think about what success means to me, I know hitting a revenue goal each month is only a small part of it.

It’s how I FEEL as I show up to work each day that matters more to me. Not building something at the expense of what I truly value and want to prioritise in my life.

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Branding Sophie Douglas Branding Sophie Douglas

What order should you approach your branding? 

In the world of branding and getting your business ducks lined up in a row, a great question many people ask is: “What order should I do things in?”

When it comes to branding specifically, there are a few different ways to approach it. It will come down to your budget, timeline, capacity and overall business goal or vision. Here are two different timelines to consider.

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